Nick Gettino

Rutgers Professor Discusses Neutrality and Card Check Agreements

On Monday, Adrienne Eaton, Chair of the Labor Studies and Employment Relations Department of Rutgers University’s School of Management and Labor Relations, spoke about her research on neutrality agreements and card checks; both of which are means by which an employer can
November 29, 2010

Poet Campion Reads from Upcoming Book

Peter Campion, recipient of a Pushcart Prize and author of two collections of poetry, read from his work on Monday evening in the Scheuer Room. In addition to reading from his previously published work, Campion read several poems from his recently drafted
October 7, 2010

Student E-Mail Access and Short-Term Goals

Student Council discussed what student groups should receive the ability to automatically subscribe students to their mailing lists and voted on short-term goals for the semester.
September 26, 2010

Meeting with Chopp, Parrish Board Space, and Survey

Student Council discussed a meeting with President Chopp, Parrish board space, and the results of their survey of the student body. Meetings are open to the student body and held at 8:00 on Sunday evenings in Parrish Parlors.
September 20, 2010

Proposed Inn Discussed at Town Meeting

On Saturday, community members from the Borough of Swarthmore gathered at the Swarthmore Friends Meetinghouse to hold a dialogue regarding the proposed Swarthmore Town Center West.
September 15, 2010

$2 Million to Build Inn on Campus

In late April, the Pennsylvania Governor’s Office awarded the Swarthmore Borough the opportunity to apply for a $2 million grant. The money, which would be distributed as part of the Commonwealth’s Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program, would help to revive the borough and
September 8, 2010

Chopp Inaugurated as 14th President of Swarthmore

On Saturday, May 8th, 2010, Rebecca Chopp was installed as Swarthmore’s 14th president. The inauguration came after a year of serving as the college's president, during which time President Chopp met with countless students, faculty, staff, and alumni to hear their ideas
May 21, 2010

Class of 2014 Prospective Students

During Ride the Tide, the Daily Gazette had the opportunity to talk with a few prospective students about their college application experiences and decision to visit Swat.
April 23, 2010

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