Neena Cherayil

Peer Counselors Host “We’re All Mad Here” Discussion

Newly-founded peer counseling group Speak 2 Swatties held an open discussion entitled "We're All Mad Here" on mental health advocacy this past Monday. Discussion topics covered ranged far and wide from how to ally to the misery poker atmosphere on campus to
November 4, 2008

Swayed Green, Cynthia McKinney Supporters at Swat

Green Party supporters haven't been as prominent on campus this election year, but their support is still strong with current candidate Cynthia McKinney. Students largely cite McKinney's unwavering strong environmental and anti-war issues as swaying them away from Obama.
October 31, 2008

Global Neighbors to Sponsor Externs to China

Global Neighbors, a new service group working with individuals with leprosy or Hansen's Disease (HD), is currently raising funds to send two student externs to rural China over winter break. Both externs intend to establish a local network of connections with Joy
October 24, 2008

College Corner: Jessi Holler ’10

Each year, the Gazette likes to profile an incoming student for a much needed dose of nostalgia from those first few days. This year, we caught up with Jessi Holler, [...]
September 8, 2008

What is the History of Paces’ Mural?

In response to an "Ask the Gazette" attempting to date the mysterious black-and-white painting, the Daily Gazette managed to track down alum Tim Applebee ’03, who painted the existing Paces [...]
May 12, 2008

ATG: Mysterious Door in Martin Basement

Biology majors and other regular visitors to Martin may have noticed a mysterious door, in the basement of the building, sporting an intimidating sign that warns students not to enter [...]
April 29, 2008

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