Miles Skorpen

Getting Dough from SBC [Part III]

One of the selling points of Swarthmore College is that funding for clubs, events, and speakers is plentiful. This should not be a surprise: Swarthmore College is part of a tiny and exclusive club: schools with endowments of more than one billion
October 25, 2007

Movie Committee [Part II]

According to Charlie Decker '09, the 2006-07 Movie Committee chair, "movie committee’s role is mainly to organize and facilitate screenings of films on campus." [...]
October 24, 2007

Finding Money [Part I]

Swarthmore has an enormous amount of money available student-run organizations and events. However, this funding is split between more than ten different groups departments. The first question to ask when pursuing funding should be, who do I ask?
October 23, 2007

FFS Revises Rules

The Forum for Free Speech [FFS] is the organization which, according to their charter, distributes money from the Student Budget Committee in order to organize "spoken-word events on Swarthmore's campus." [...]
September 30, 2007
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