Miles Skorpen

ED Applications Way Up

Swarthmore has seen a 10% increase on Fall Early Decision applications this year, shooting from 273 to 302 in one year. But the number of acceptance letters didn't see the same increase, making Fall ED more competitive than ever before.
December 12, 2007

New Deal Doubles Internet Bandwidth

The College recently finished negotiating a deal with Yipes Communication to double bandwidth from 30 Mbps to 60 Mbps over the course of the next few weeks. The deal will [...]
November 30, 2007

Public Safety Catches Crooks

Public Safety officer Bob Stephano was making his regular rounds last Sunday when he stumbled upon a crime-in-progress: he observed four suspects gathered at the back of the stage in the Lang Performing Arts Center.
November 28, 2007

Crooks Make Off with Library Monitor

Last Monday, an unidentified individual appears to have taken a bolt cutter to a McCabe computer. The computer was located in the basement of McCabe near the men's room. Even [...]
November 19, 2007

ITS Servers Drop

System Administrator Angela Andrews came to Swarthmore at 7:00 a.m. Tuesday and immediately noticed something was wrong. The NIC, or network interface card, was in the process of failing. Acting [...]
November 14, 2007

FFS [Funding Part IV]

FFS is intended to distribute funds from the Student Budget Committee in order to “ensure the presence of a diverse array of spoken-word events on Swarthmore's campus,” according to Jason [...]
October 26, 2007
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