Miles Skorpen

Student Council 411: Amendments, Planning, and ITS

At yesterday's meeting, Student Council considered reports from Enlace Co-Presidents Grace Kaissal '10 and Isabel Rivera '10, discussed their upcoming event, discussed changing the composition of planning committees, reviewed their [...]
February 11, 2008

Bryn Mawr Names New President

According to a press release from Bryn Mawr, "by a unanimous vote, the Board of Trustees of Bryn Mawr College today appointed Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Dean of the College of [...]
February 8, 2008

Swat Celebrates Super Tuesday

As the 9:00pm results from Super Tuesday rolled in, Mephistos Lounge was filled with more than fifty Swatties. A handful of students hunched over textbooks, but most clustered around laptops watching [...]
February 6, 2008

Student Council 411

Student Council met for the second time yesterday in a brief meeting to organize the upcoming semester. Paul Apollo '09 was absent. Four issues dominated the agenda: arranging the event [...]
February 4, 2008

ITS Explains Email Outage

Many students were frustrated to find themselves unable to access their email over the web this past weekend. According to Robin Jacobson, Associated Director of Client Services at ITS, the [...]
January 30, 2008

Student Council 411

The Student Council met for the first time this semester yesterday. Their regular meeting time will be 3:30pm in the the Parrish foyer. Half of the Council is new: Vice [...]
January 27, 2008

Chester Arts School Moves Forward

Next fall, Chester will have a new magnet school, the Chester-Upland School for the Arts. The school is growing out of Music Professor John Alston's Chester Children's Chorus, a music [...]
January 21, 2008

Swarthmore’s Soldiers

Last year, Jon Petkun ’07 was a finalist in the first Mr. Swarthmore competition. His acclaimed performance had him wearing a blue leotard and performing self-described “patriotic ribbon dance.” He served as Vice President of the Young Democrats and he describes his
December 13, 2007

College Goes No-Loans

When acceptance letters went out for the class of 2012 earlier this week, Swarthmore did not ask a single student to take on loans. And next year, one third of Swarthmore's population will receive much higher grants. Swarthmore has decided to do
December 12, 2007
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