Miles Skorpen

Swarthmore Needs More Debate, Not Less

The staff of the Daily Gazette was stunned to browse through The Phoenix's opinions section yesterday to find the Gazette's comment section described as "hateful, vitriolic and ignorant." Perhaps the [...]
February 21, 2008

The RA Selection Process

As the Gazette began to interview students, RAs, and administration members for our previous story on the RA system at Swarthmore compared to other schools around the nation, a central [...]
February 21, 2008

Sestak Speaks at Swarthmore

Congressman Sestak speaks to Swarthmore students in Bond Hall. This is a large .mov file. To play it, you will need the Quicktime browser extension. [...]
February 20, 2008

The Swarthmore Inn Project

This Friday, Associate Vice President of Facilities and Services Stu Hain will be presenting a plan for the Swarthmore Inn to four members of the Board of Managers. Two architectural [...]
February 20, 2008

Swat RAs Play Unique Role

RAs play a special role at Swarthmore. Part advisor, part confidant, part cheerleader, this small group of fifty students are essential to the well-being of the school's residential life system. [...]
February 19, 2008

Swat Senior Wins USA Today Award

Today, USA Today readers across the nation were introduced to the newspaper's Academic All-Stars. Representing Swarthmore: Mark Dlugash '08 made the team. He is one of only twenty college students [...]
February 14, 2008
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