Last year, a mysterious figure scaled a tree along Magill Walk and hung a tree swing that saw near constant use for the few short hours it remained in operation. [...]
This evening at 9pm, the Lady's Soiree Society [LaSS] will host the first annual Mr. Swarthmore competition. Both the event and the society are new to Swarthmore's campus. Last spring, [...]
Yesterday evening, a bevy of student groups came together to bring Andrew Revkin, the head environmental writer for the New York Times, to Swarthmore's campus. Revkin has worked at the [...]
Walking around Swarthmore, many students have noticed a new addition to Mertz--a small solar panel dangling out of one of the dorm's windows. The Gazette just caught up with Lauren [...]
Yesterday, on Thursday, March 29, the Eugene M. Lang Visiting Professor, George Lakey, unofficially opened the second annual Tri-College Peace Week. Despite this title, however, Lakey began his talk by [...]
For several weeks, Swarthmore's Information Technology Services department has been pondering whether or not to move the school from its current self-hosted e-mail and calendar system to Google's web-based alternative, [...]
Professor Bob Rehak, originally hired as a visiting professor last fall, just accepted a tenure-track position as a Professor of English Literature at Swarthmore. The Daily Gazette caught up with [...]
One of the most persistent pieces of Swarthmore folklore is the famed description of Swarthmore as "the Kremlin on the Crum." Recently, the Gazette was asked to hunt down the [...]
On Friday, February 16, the College Judiciary Committee met to discuss a charge of theft. A student had been accused of stealing $600 dollars from the library. The money was [...]
On Saturday, March 3, Ben Thuronyi '07 and Manoli Strecker '07 organized Swarthmore's first Smash Brothers Melee tournament. The game is Nintendo's most successful GameCube product, with more than 6 [...]
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