Miles Skorpen

What happened to the tree-swing?

Last year, a mysterious figure scaled a tree along Magill Walk and hung a tree swing that saw near constant use for the few short hours it remained in operation. [...]
April 24, 2007

LaSS presents: Mr. Swarthmore

This evening at 9pm, the Lady's Soiree Society [LaSS] will host the first annual Mr. Swarthmore competition. Both the event and the society are new to Swarthmore's campus. Last spring, [...]
April 13, 2007

ITS Considers Move to Google Apps

For several weeks, Swarthmore's Information Technology Services department has been pondering whether or not to move the school from its current self-hosted e-mail and calendar system to Google's web-based alternative, [...]
March 29, 2007

Super Smash Brothers dominates Mephistos

On Saturday, March 3, Ben Thuronyi '07 and Manoli Strecker '07 organized Swarthmore's first Smash Brothers Melee tournament. The game is Nintendo's most successful GameCube product, with more than 6 [...]
March 5, 2007

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