Miles Skorpen

Mid-Summer Construction

Construction continues on Kemp Dorm. Meanwhile, repairs also take place on Old Tarble. Take a look at the next page in this Photo Series! Construction continues apace on Old Tarble.
June 23, 2007

What’s next

This is the last issue of the Daily Gazette during the 2006-2007 academic year, and it also marks the end of an era: come next fall, the Daily Gazette will [...]
May 11, 2007

ITS Director Judy Downing to Retire

Come this January, Swarthmore's Information Technology Services department will have a new director. After 20 years of working at Swarthmore, Judy Downing is preparing to retire. "I always said I would retire as soon as I had grandchildren, and I just became
May 3, 2007

Scott Intern speaks on urban gardening

A few years ago, Elizabeth Haegele was working as a programmer for a big business firm, but every day after work she found herself drawn to a local garden. Finally, [...]
April 30, 2007

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