The Daily Gazette announces the first ever Plant Picks contest. Each week a clue will give one astute reader the chance to appear pictured in that place next week. Get your five minutes of fame while becoming more familiar with the arboretum
This article was updated on 8/30 " is intense--like being in college but earlier because you have to learn all the lines in such a short time. We just mixed [...]
Dr. Ritch C. Savin-Williams of Cornell University gave a talk yesterday addressing how society's changing attitudes towards homosexuality are shaping the experiences of today's queer youth. The subtitle of Savin-Williams' [...]
Chances are either you or someone you know has just survived a long week of dress rehearsals for "Into the Woods." As described in the program by director Phil Katz [...]
"Sexual overall picture of health, which currently circulates the campus, hopes, to take instantaneous sexual health on the campus." This would have been the opening sentence of this paper's leading [...]
Yesterday, the faculty lecture series continued with "Language at the Limits: The Global Situation of Japanese Modernist Poetry." After an introduction from Alan Berkowitz, Professor Will Gardner of the Japanese [...]
When most people think of Aramaic, they think of a certain controversial and bloody movie from 2004; it is the language of early Christians, long gone and unknown except to [...]
Learners of any new language are familiar with confronting seemingly erratic distinctions. When do I know to use the subjunctive? Is this 'une chaise' or 'un fauteuil'? And, what gender [...]
The second Sigma Xi of the year, entitled "Strange Bits: Quantum Computing and the Search for New Quantum Algorithms," was presented yesterday. Swarthmore Professor Lisa Meeden introduced Lee Spector, a [...]
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