Myles Dakan

Restaurant Reviews: A Taste of Asia

The Daily Gazette announces that it will now provide restaurant reviews! To kick off our new addition to the opinions section, two installments of restaurants I've visited recently will be [...]
October 21, 2007

Weekend Roundup: Museums and Music

Swarthmore's self-titled "Queen of Fun", Assistant Student Activities Coordinator Paury Flowers, has encouraged students via e-mail to travel into Philadelphia. The Campus Philly Kick-off will feature live music, art, and [...]
September 28, 2007

Weekend Roundup: Philly anyone?

Restaurant Week and the Philadelphia Orchestra give good reason to go into the city this weekend. Held twice a year, Restaurant Week is perfect for college students who still want to enjoy a fancier dinner at some of Philly's best establishments. At
September 21, 2007

Plant Picks: The Hydrangea Collection

The Daily Gazette announces Jessica Thomaston '10 as this week's plant picks winner. Quick! Be the first to guess and get your five minutes of fame while becoming more familiar with the arboretum Swat calls home.
September 14, 2007

Plant Picks Still Open

Last week's Plant Picks clue remains unsolved. The Daily Gazette has received several guesses, but no one has correctly identified the location. An additional hint: this plant genus/collection was featured [...]
September 12, 2007

Kemp Hall Construction

The Daily Gazette caught up with Mike Boyd, Swarthmore College Project Manager for Kemp Hall. Construction continues on schedule, with much of the building already in place. Kemp incorporates improvements based on experience from Alice Paul.
September 12, 2007

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