Maral Gaeeni

Gallery-Hopping in Old City

For this week’s piece, I tried venturing outside my regular streak of museum exhibitions and visited a few galleries on North Second Street in Old City. Maybe you already know about this Philadelphia neighborhood, a lively trove of art, food, and history,
April 20, 2017

TCGM Opens with New Show

The exhibitions I have previously covered were engaging and groundbreaking in their own ways, but nonetheless took place in older institutions that operate within the limits of established art-viewing practices. This week, I got to experience something truly radical and revolutionary when
April 6, 2017

Be a Flâneur at The Barnes

Have you ever tried to imagine what certain cities were like a century ago? That’s New York without the Empire State Building, minus about two million people, and before the Civil Rights Movement and 9/11. Many cities have profoundly changed throughout the
March 30, 2017

PAFA Remembers WWI

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “war art”? I’m not sure why, but I used to be (and still am) slightly averse to it. Maybe it was the dark humor of twentieth century war literature, or maybe it had
March 23, 2017

Theater Students “Revolt” in Acting Capstone

This past weekend, students in this academic year’s acting capstone performed in a production of  “Revolt. She Said. Revolt Again.” by British playwright Alice Birch. The entire project, culminating in four runs of the show in the LPAC Frear Ensemble Theater with
March 2, 2017

Jazz Improvisor Caine visits Swarthmore

This past weekend, the college welcomed jazz improvisor Uri Caine to campus. The Philadelphia-native attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied music composition, and then moved to New York in 1985, after which he recorded over thirty projects. These projects include
February 9, 2017

College screens “Boycott” in honor of MLK

Last Thursday, as part of the college’s week of activities to commemorate the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Black Cultural Center hosted a screening of the 2001 American television movie “Boycott” in the LPAC cinema. Students, faculty, and members of
January 26, 2017

List Offers New “Reflections” on Painting

On Thursday, Nov. 3, the List Gallery opened a newly mounted exhibit of works by American figurative painter Lois Dodd. Dodd, this year’s Donald J. Gordon Visiting Artist, also delivered an artist’s talk that evening to a full auditorium in LPAC cinema.
November 17, 2016

Dance Studies goes “Off the Wall”

Dr. Sherril Dodds, professor of dance at Temple University, has written a number of groundbreaking studies on the facial choreographies of dance performance, focusing on anywhere from heavy metal concerts to neo-burlesque striptease. The Thursday before fall break, Swarthmore welcomed her for
October 20, 2016

Artists discuss “Everyday Life in the Middle East”

On Friday evening, a series of events under the title “Passion for the Arts and Everyday Life in the Middle East” took place over a span of just four hours. The events — workshops, screenings, and performances — were sponsored by the
October 6, 2016

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