Mame Nyarko F. Bonsu

Film and Media Studies majors showcase senior theses

On Monday evening, students from this year’s Film and Media Studies Capstone course unreeled their semester’s work to an eager audience. This year’s films and research projects demonstrate a wide array of talents and interests across the board. “Educated,” a short film
May 1, 2014

Literary canon with a troubling history

Over the summer, I began a research endeavor under the Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program. The Mellon Program seeks to increase the number of minorities holding PhDs in the humanities. I decided I would read four of Toni Morrison’s works and take
April 24, 2014

Daisy Fried ’89 returns to read poems

Daisy Fried wants you to enjoy the pain that comes with her poetry. The Swarthmore alum worked for many years at the Warren Wilson College (WWC), and has also taught at Smith College, Haverford College, Bryn Mawr College, Villanova University, Temple University,
April 24, 2014

Yusef Komunyakaa to lecture on campus

Last week, celebrated author Toni Morrison offered us a few invaluable insights regarding the unspoken truths we derive from words written on a page. She called this idea “invisible ink.” On Friday, we will hear from another Pulitzer Prize-winning author who holds
April 17, 2014

Toni Morrison casts her spell

“I’m worth it.” A filled LPAC auditorium. A lengthy standing ovation. The moment so many have been waiting for since the start of this academic year finally came Monday night when Toni Morrison was wheeled onto LPAC Mainstage. Dr. Weinstein’s reverent introduction
April 10, 2014

GHF Variety Show showcases student talent

Last Friday, the Global Health Forum (GHF) held its annual Variety Show with performances from several student groups, featuring a capella, sketch comedy, and more. Proceeds from the Variety Show will go towards Shot@Life, a UN organization that provides vaccines to children
April 3, 2014

Revenge, a dish best served fresh on the Swarthmore stage

When you see primetime news reports about civilian casualties in the Middle East, mass shootings in United States grade schools and movie theaters, and unwarranted law enforcement brutality in urban settings, you don’t think Swarthmore College theater. However, theatre major Josh McLucas
March 20, 2014

Swarthmore to send five top slam poets to CUPSI showcase

On Saturday, Rose Wunrow ’16 and fellow teammates Haydil Henriquez ’14, Maria Vietyez ’16, Kat Galvis ’17 and George Abraham ’17 amazed a full Science Center 101 with a performance of the work they have prepared to compete at the 2014 College
March 6, 2014

Gender-bending, swashbuckling comedy a must-see

While many Swarthmore students spent their Valentine’s Day getting screwed, I had the luxury of learning to thrust. Yes, that’s right. The cast of this year’s honor’s acting thesis production had me well lubricated with French red wine before drawing swords to
February 20, 2014

Crum Creek installation to bring environmental art to campus

As freezing temperatures and accumulating precipitation keep the student population inside for the most part, the sheer beauty of Swarthmore’s campus can be nearly forgotten by many of us. Even as we settle into the lively ambiance of spring, we often take
February 14, 2014

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