Lauren Stokes

Green Advisors, Conserving Energy on a Hall Near You

This Monday, Earthlust held the inaugural study break for "Green Advisors," sustainability-minded students who encourage environmentally responsible behavior in the dorms. The GAs are currently a pilot present in only [...]
October 12, 2007

Student Council 411

Student Council is setting up several forums for the future: 1. A Question and answer session about college finances for students to learn about the college's budget. 2. A feedback/information [...]
October 8, 2007

SAC, StuCo to host Halloween Party

For the second year in a row, the party will be held by the Social Affairs Committee and Student Council, and they currently plan to hold it in Upper Tarble and Paces. Alcohol will be served in Paces, which will also have
October 4, 2007

Student Council 411

Council realizes that there's confusion around the plan to move events from the Reserved Students Digest to the spiffy new calendar, and is planning on having a forum showing how [...]
September 30, 2007

Peaslee Responds to Last Year’s Vandalism

Peaslee's annual novice tournament starts this afternoon. Last year the debate tournament party resulted in three citations for underage drinking and significant vandalism, including one student who urinated on a door. Peaslee is changing some policies this year in order to prevent
September 28, 2007

Student Council 411

Student Council held a meeting with Dining Services last week to discuss issues such as the possibility of a soft-serve ice cream machine, the cracked tile (to be fixed over [...]
September 23, 2007

Clothesline Project, Now With More Support

The Clothesline Project, an emotional display of the way sexual and domestic violence affect our campus, will be displayed next week. This year the project will be giving out white ribbons that you can wear to show support for survivors.
September 20, 2007

Student Council 411

Even this grizzled reporter was intrigued to hear about some of the new ideas coming from Student Council this week. First, big parking news--due to an administrative oversight on the [...]
September 16, 2007
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