Lauren Stokes

Haslett, Park read to spellbound audience

On Friday November 4th, two recent Swarthmore alumni returned to read selections from their work in the Scheuer Room. Yongsoo Park '94 was introduced by Natalie Anderson, who showed us [...]
November 8, 2005

Swarthmore Peace Collection struts its stuff

The Swarthmore Peace Collection recently unveiled an exhibit in McCabe's glass display cases. Titled "Celebrating 75 Years of the Swarthmore Peace Collection," it focuses on the ways that researchers have [...]
October 24, 2005

Panel kicks off Class Awareness Month

Personal stories of class were the focus of the first event of Class Awareness Month, a panel of faculty, staff, and students who discussed their experiences with help from moderator [...]
October 18, 2005

Parrish renovations nearing “bitter end”

The renovations to Parrish Hall will not be completed by the end of October Break as previously promised. According to campus planner Susan Sayer, "the new projected completion date is [...]
October 4, 2005

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