Lauren Stokes

Paper Towels Clog Trotter Pipes

From Wednesday to Friday of last week, the Trotter bathrooms were shut down because of a blocked sewer line, costing the college thousands in maintenance. The culprit? Paper towels that should never have been flushed.
February 16, 2009

Local Carpenters’ Union Protests Greenhouse Project

The Metropolitan Regional Council of Carpenters has been protesting on Route 320 in front of the athletic fields, claiming that the College is "destroying the wages and benefit standards of area carpenters" by awarding work to non-union contractors for the greenhouse project.
January 27, 2009

Swat Alums Start Israel Divestment Campaign

Swat alumni recently started a campaign urging Swarthmore to divest fully from Israeli companies and US companies that do business in Israel, inspired in part by Swarthmore's 1986 divestment from apartheid South Africa.
January 22, 2009

Bryn Mawr Prof Discusses Queer Asian-American Sexuality

A few dozen students attended Nguyen Tan Hoang's lecture and multimedia presentation exploring the intersection of visual culture and queer male Asian American identity on Wednesday evening. His films all explore what he called "my own sense of perverse identification with pop
December 3, 2008

Did the Northern Lights Visit Swat?

The Gazette was asked about lights in the sky that appeared above McCabe and Pearson last Wednesday. We forwarded the image to Astronomy Professor David Cohen, who responded that "the images look plausibly like northern lights. It's unusual but not unheard of
November 23, 2008

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