Lauren Stokes

What’s up with the new spam blocker?

Last week, members of the Swarthmore community should have noticed a change in their e-mail inboxes: less spam. The college used to use the open-source SpamAssassin filter to keep viruses [...]
November 15, 2006

What is the history of the Scott Arboretum?

When Swarthmore College was founded in 1869, there were "but two trees" on the entire campus, which was primarily composed of cornfields. In Ben Yagoda's book "The Scott Arboretum of [...]
November 13, 2006

Was Swarthmore ever a women’s college?

Unfortunately for everyone who has ever asked you if you go to "that girls' school in upstate New York," they have no excuse. Swarthmore was co-educational from the very beginning. [...]
November 8, 2006
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