An open discussion about issues of rape and sexual assault on campus held on Wednesday night was the first such discussion in at least four years. It was timed to [...]
The Council heard an appeal of an SBC decision made for the Men's Ultimate Frisbee team. Men's Ultimate was put on "budgetary probation" at the end of last school year [...]
Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Joy Charlton will be assuming the position of Executive Director of the Lang Center in the fall. According to current Executive [...]
Urooj Khan contributed to this story. Dozens of students overslept this morning because their alarm clocks simply didn't go off; the main campus of Swarthmore suffered a power outage starting [...]
2007 marks the tenth anniversary of Swarthmore's Gamelan Semara Santi, the only orchestra in the Philadelphia area devoted entirely to music and dance from Bali, Indonesia. Music Professor Tom Whitman [...]
According to Dean for Student Life Myrt Westphal, who used to be the Housing Coordinator, "we tried substance free housing in the past, twice, and it failed both times." A [...]
Colleges and universities across the country are raising prices for hormonal contraception in the wake of a December announcement that because of the 2005 Deficit Reduction Act, student health services [...]
Student Council spent the bulk of the meeting planning their annual Movie Night. After your last day of classes on Friday, May 4th, you can look forward to watching "Alice [...]
We looked in the files of the Friends Historical Library, and found that the central section of Trotter was built in 1881 as the new Hall of Physics and Engineering [...]
On Monday night, three professors spoke on a panel about the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill currently being debated in Congress which President Bush has vowed to veto if [...]
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