Lauren Stokes

Student Council report and election results

The controversial election was good for voter turnout, with 953 students voting. The election for Educational Policy Representative resulted in a dead tie a run-off election for this position later this week. Full results are presented at the end of this report;
May 2, 2007

College Corner with Michael Harrington

Michael Harrington is a copy editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer who has been taking classes and meting with students to talk about writing and journalism at Swarthmore this semester through [...]
April 27, 2007

Student Council Report

As we wrap up another semester, the activities of Student Council are winding down. Council has not forgotten about "Thanksgiving in the Spring." They are working on a write up [...]
April 25, 2007

Junior Housing Lottery update

The junior housing lottery began when #410 picked a double in Worth L, and ended when #662 and approximately thirty other juniors decided to accept spots on the A waitlist [...]
April 24, 2007

What happens if you hit a sprinkler?

Freshmen, take note: when your RA tells you not to throw your Frisbee at the sprinkler, they mean it. "All the sprinklers will go off and there will be a [...]
April 23, 2007

Senior Housing Lottery roundup

Construction doesn't appear to have affected Alice Paul's cachet in the lottery: the first pick of the night went to No. 2, who picked Alice Paul 324, the large loft [...]
April 23, 2007
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