Lindsay Holcomb

Shirt Sparks Debate in Survivor Community

Early last Thursday morning, a red t-shirt was found taped to the ground outside of Parrish Hall with the words “Dean Braun is responsible for letting my rapist graduate. There is nothing else I can do but try to ignore it. Happy
April 14, 2016

Confederate flag sparks controversy in borough

On the 700 block of Hillborn Avenue, just four blocks from the college’s Science Center entrance, the conspicuous display of a large Confederate flag has raised eyebrows both on and off campus in recent months. Though the flag is hung on private
February 11, 2016

Questions surround student activism fifty-two years later

Next week will mark the fifty-second anniversary of what was arguably the most famous period of civil rights organizing in Chester, Pennsylvania: several days in which activists — including students from the college — engaged in acts of civil disobedience to protest
October 29, 2015
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