Laura Wilcox

Laura Wilcox '20 is from Alexandria, VA studying economics and math. She is passionate about central banks and monetary policy.

Voter Suppression in North Dakota Must Be Stopped

One of the most important battlegrounds for determining which party controls the Senate this year is one of the most sparsely populated states, North Dakota. Without a victory in North Dakota, the Democrats’ path to control of the Senate was almost impossible,
November 8, 2018

Investigation of Tax Evasion Deserves More Attention

Earlier this month, The New York Times published an extensive investigation of the Trump family’s widespread tax evasion schemes entitled “Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches from His Father.” The article described tax evasion that lasted for decades
October 25, 2018

“Thoughts of Dog” Provides a Welcome Escape From the News Cycle

My Twitter feed consists almost exclusively of tweets from economists, politicians, and liberal-leaning news organizations. However, my favorite Twitter account is by far Thoughts of Dog (@dog_feelings), which narrates the wonderfully wholesome inner life of a dog. The dog is thoroughly good,
October 11, 2018

On the Pertinence of Public Service Under Trump

[Editor’s Note: This piece was originally published in the Wake Forest Newspaper, “Old Gold and Black” on January 19th.] Last month, the “Washington Post” reported that the staffs of 12 of the 15 Cabinet departments shrank during the first year of the
February 1, 2018

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