Kat Clark

Diverse Display of Student Vision at Kitao Photo Opening

“Making art is about community and communication. You can create a project and leave it in a box under your bed, but the students' ultimate satisfaction comes from being able to share [their] work,” said visiting professor of studio art Jessica Todd
December 9, 2009

The UnKicking of Coke

The decision to bring back Coca-Cola, made by the administration late in the Spring semester, has been greeted by some with enthusiasm and others with disappointment. The college administration has pointed to both economic necessity and Coke's allegedly improved practices in the
September 15, 2009

Spec Chooses Swarthmore, Forfeits Dreams

John Smith '13 isn't fully aware of it yet, but checking the "I'm Coming!" box on that acceptance letter he got yesterday means that he has just given up all hope of ever changing the world.
March 31, 2009

Sager Symposium Expands Meaning of Queer Activism

"Intersections of Queer: Coalition Building Across Our Communities" kicks off tonight, and is "about exploring the ways different movements can build off of each other and strengthen each other from learned experiences and learned strategies." The symposium's social is also taking a
March 25, 2009

How Best to Use the Sager Fund?

The Sager Symposium has been part of the Swarthmore calendar for the last 21 years, but it may look different--or disappear entirely--in the future. Richard Sager '73 has spurred a conversation about revisiting the original purposes of his gift and thinking about
February 15, 2009

Hiroyuki Hamada at the List

Hiroyuki Hamada, whose modern artwork is recognized for its power and simplicity, opened his exhibition at the List Gallery with a reception on Thursday, November 6. Students, faculty, staff and the public used this opportunity to meet Hamada and speak to him
November 9, 2008

Sager Preview: The Boundaries of Queer

Want to know more about orgasms or watch a unique performance featuring two Sri Lankan Tamil queer women? That's right, it's time for the 20th Sager Symposium, an annual series [...]
March 27, 2008

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