Justin diFeliciantonio

Primaries Excite and Divide College Dems

Super Tuesday has come and gone, leaving the nation wondering who will be the Democratic nominee for President. The Associated Press reported that Senator Clinton has 979 delegates, while Obama [...]
February 15, 2008

Planning for Masculinity Discussions Underway

Do you have uncertainties about your, or another’s, manhood? Want to get cojones-deep in questions on the male essence? Take note. Next semester, the Intercultural Center will host a series of masculinity discussions, questioning the construction of male identity.
December 4, 2007

Latino Heritage Month Events Kickin’

Friday night's Rebel Díaz performance marked another sweet event in the celebration of Latino Heritage Month. While all in attendance may not have understood many of the lyrics during the [...]
September 24, 2007

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