Giorgia Piantanida

It’s Too Late for Positivity

The World Wildlife Fund just published a new report on climate change, and they essentially said that if by 2020 we, as a global community, don’t make drastic commitments to limiting fossil fuel emissions, we could be living in a drastically different
November 1, 2018

Technology and Loneliness

We live in 2018, a time in which the whole world is interconnected through complicated systems of social media. Companies like Facebook give us the opportunity to be constantly connected to our loved ones, no matter where in the world we are,
October 25, 2018

Study Abroad and Friends

Making friends is hard, even when you’re 20 and seemingly confident enough to meet new people. I mean, the last time you were thrown into a similar situation was when you were an 18-year-old who was embarking upon an exciting new journey.
October 11, 2018

Trump Versus World

I don’t think I’ll ever forget the moment I realized Donald J. Trump had won the 2016 presidential election. It was the morning after, because I had forced myself to go to bed at about 10 p.m. the night before, right around
October 4, 2018

You Can Leave Swat, but Swat Won’t Leave You

Last semester, my sophomore spring, I kind of messed up. Among drowning in my personal pit of sorrows, mental illness and body dysmorphia, I built huge barriers between all of my Swat friends and me. I convinced myself that going abroad would
September 27, 2018

I Miss the Routine

Personally, I tend to be a huge fan of near-constant routine. That is, I mostly enjoy being able to wake up and know exactly what I have to do that day, mostly because I’ve done it a million times before. At the
September 20, 2018

Australian Daydreams

It’s September of 2018, and I am officially a junior at Swat. I feel a little queasy just seeing that in writing honestly. Being a junior in college always seemed like that thing my friends who are now graduates would be (I
September 13, 2018

Winter Formal Done Right

The start of spring semester means many things – friend reunions, classes, stress, and of course, Winter Formal. Although perhaps one of the lesser known traditions of which Swarthmore prides itself, Winter Formal is just one of those ‘Yes, we’re still a
February 8, 2018

The Famous Sophomore Slump

Ah yes, the dreaded and much talked-about Sophomore Slump. Well, folks, I’m here to tell you it’s as real a thing as you and me, and it’s affected almost every sophomore I’ve talked to right here on our beloved campus. I did
December 7, 2017
John Malloy '14 presents his drawing at the modern architecture class's show in KitaoPhoto by Frank Song '15

Party Shoes

“They’re like an extension of me when I was trying to find myself and explore and have fun and live my life.” That’s what Arka Rao ’18, says when asked to speak on his party shoes, a pair of white Vans with
November 2, 2017

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