Evangela Shread

College Title IX Policy to Remain in Effect

In an email sent on Sept. 22, President Valerie Smith assured students, faculty and staff that college IX policy would remain in effect despite the rescission of Obama-era guidelines for college investigations of sexual misconduct, which was announced earlier that day by
September 28, 2017

College makes progress on multiple construction projects

On Wednesday, Sept. 6, members of the college administration held a press briefing to address recent and ongoing construction projects on campus. The briefing focused on six major projects, which included renovations to existing buildings and spaces as well as the construction
September 14, 2017

Strath Haven, Lodges to go offline next year

The administration will be closing the Strath Haven apartments and one of the Worth Lodges in the 2017-18 academic year in order to repair facilities. At the same time, the college will be adding more than one hundred beds to the on-campus
April 20, 2017

Groups work with Swarthmore Conservatives

CORRECTION: The title of this news article previously read “Lobbying groups work with Swarthmore Conservatives.” “Lobbying” has been removed to more accurately reflect the content of the article. Recently, the Swarthmore Conservative Society was distributing materials belonging to the organization Turning Point
April 13, 2017

MJ members receive sanctions

On Friday, March 17th, Associate Dean of Students Nathan Miller informed five students by email that they could face sanctions for a violation of the student code of conduct incurred during their participation in a peaceful protest last month. The five students
March 30, 2017

Legacy of namesakes more complicated than they appear

In recent years, students at several colleges and universities across the country have petitioned for the renaming of campus buildings bearing names of racist individuals. Swarthmore itself has never been the subject of such controversies, although larger universities such as Princeton and
March 2, 2017

Recent executive actions create campus uncertainties

After President Trump’s Jan. 27 executive orders halted travel to and from seven Muslim-majority countries, members of the campus community responded. President Valerie Smith and administrative deans reasserted the college’s vow to protect all students and faculty by standing in firm
February 9, 2017

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