Liz Hipple

College Corner with Money Man, Simon Zhu ’11

Simon Zhu ’11 is the SBC director, crucial to ensuring that the student activities budget gets to the necessary people to keep social life at Swarthmore active and varied. The Daily Gazette sat down with Simon Zhu ’11, the SBC director, to
February 19, 2010

First Round of Deer Cull Completed

The first round of the deer cull planned by the Crum Woods Stewardship took place over winter break. Nearly forty deer were culled to reduce their overpopulation. The second round of the cull is being planned now.
February 3, 2010

Comedy Weekend Preview

Jesse Gottschalk, BMT member, explains what Comedy Awareness events will take place this weekend.
March 19, 2009

Peaslee Debate Society 8th in Nation

The Peaslee Debate Society has had a strong season this year even by its own past high standards. Ranking 8th in the nation, Peaslee also broke into the Octa-finals at the World University Debate Championships in Cork, Ireland in January.
February 22, 2009

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