Jasmine Narang contributed to this article. On Friday, November 18th, the much anticipated fourth installment of the Harry Potter Series, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was released to [...]
This spring, Swarthmore's theater department is welcoming the award winning playwright Adriano Shaplin to teach the playwriting workshop. Shaplin, whose writing was described by Tony Kushner, author of "Angels in [...]
On Thursday, November 17, 2005, the Kitao Gallery opened its latest exhibition of student artwork, "Portrait Show." The exhibit, which features various student interpretations of the definition of portraiture through [...]
This Friday night, the original musical, "We So Are Them" will be premiering in LPAC theater at 8 o'clock. The musical is directed and written by Katie Chamblee '07 and [...]
Thursday evening, Marjorie Garber, professor of English and American Literature and Language and of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University (and member of the Swarthmore Class of '66), gave [...]
As the date draws nearer to the day that will decide the fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Swarthmore students and environmentalist group, PennEnvironment, are seeking to gain the [...]
I am reminded that nothing worth doing is easy as I "spin the dial to the left 3-4 times to clear" for the five hundred and twenty-seventh time today, coming [...]
With housing selections for the rising senior class complete, only a few singles in the most desirable dorms remain: one in Wharton, seven in Mertz, and a couple on Parrish [...]
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