Daisy Yuhas

Long awaited “Harry Potter” bewitches

Jasmine Narang contributed to this article. On Friday, November 18th, the much anticipated fourth installment of the Harry Potter Series, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" was released to [...]
November 23, 2005

Kitao Gallery “Portrait Show” opens

On Thursday, November 17, 2005, the Kitao Gallery opened its latest exhibition of student artwork, "Portrait Show." The exhibit, which features various student interpretations of the definition of portraiture through [...]
November 18, 2005

Save the Arctic movement finds support at Swat

As the date draws nearer to the day that will decide the fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Swarthmore students and environmentalist group, PennEnvironment, are seeking to gain the [...]
September 15, 2005

Housing lottery roundup: seniors

With housing selections for the rising senior class complete, only a few singles in the most desirable dorms remain: one in Wharton, seven in Mertz, and a couple on Parrish [...]
April 18, 2005
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