David Toland

Rock ‘N Roll v. The Opera

This article is dedicated to the thousands of people reading this paper and music fans around the world — “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble.” The rock band KISS was formed before I was even born.  When I was a little kid, I
October 11, 2012

Friends Don’t Let Friends Believe In Peer Pressure

The Wikipedia definition of peer pressure is: “An influence exerted by a peer group, encouraging individuals to change their attitudes, values or behaviors in order to conform to group norms.” My personal definition of peer pressure is that it is an excuse for weak
October 4, 2012

It’s All About Self-Expression

David Toland is an EVS Technician whose new column, Can You Dig It?, details his experiences at Swarthmore, in the US Army, and with his three children: a daughter, Hunter, 11; and two sons, Noah, 13, and David, 12. Driven by an enjoyment
September 26, 2012

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