College Continues “Swarthmore Forward” Strategic Plan

This February, Swarthmore President Val Smith shared the “Swarthmore Forward” strategic plan with the campus community. The plan represents the product of a college-wide eighteen-month planning process and “underscores our steadfast belief in educating the whole student,” according to the plan’s website.

New Community Commons Set for Feb. 29, Other Construction Updates

“You’ve probably noticed that things look a little different around campus,” said Ryder Maston ’26 in a recent video informing the Swarthmore community about construction for the Spring semester.  Maston, an intern with the College’s Office of Sustainability, spent the video running

2023 General Election Recap

Pennsylvania: On Tuesday, Nov. 7, voters across the United States went to the polls and made their voices heard in the 2023 general election. In Pennsylvania and other select states, influential gubernatorial, legislative, and judicial seats were selected through Tuesday’s elections. In