Devin Freeman-Robinson

Swarthmore and its Quintessential Tropes

If you have taken Introduction to Psychology, you would know Swarthmore is the birthplace of the infamous Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), an early-20th century personality assessment that many people, and some Fortune 500 companies, swear by to this day. You might also
November 14, 2024

Swarthmore Tropes Quiz

For each of the four quizzes, if you agree with the statement, circle the letter at the end of the statement on the right-hand column. Across the four quizzes, the most popular letter from each quiz will accumulate into a string that
November 14, 2024

The Epidemiology of the Swat Plague

Take a quick walk around Swarthmore and you’ll gain a close look at the most common affliction of our era. No, it’s not the cough that lingers two weeks after the cold, neither is it our collective caffeine addiction, not even the
October 10, 2024

Surviving Campus HAAAte

Although many people on this campus know me to be a bundle of joy, those who are closest to me are well aware of my larger-than-ideal hater count. It is a very unfortunate circumstance that, to be clear, I do not intend
September 26, 2024

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