
Swarthmore to Celebrate Sesquicentennial

In 2014, Swarthmore College will become 150 years old. Much is still undetermined about what should be done in commemoration. But the current list of what is being planned, which includes a book that discusses the history of the college and a


Community Holds Candlelight Vigil In Wake Of Massacre

On December 15, students gathered outside of Parrish to hold a vigil in the aftermath of Friday’s mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The event, organized by Leonie Cohen ’16 and Michelle Johnson ’16, was intended to allow members of the Swarthmore community to reach


Financial Report Shows Economic Progress

When the “Great Recession” struck in 2007, colleges and universities were not spared. Endowments everywhere declined, and institutions were forced to make budget cuts in order to properly respond. Even now, as the economy is recovering, colleges are still announcing budget changes


Swat Compliments

College students have a habit of creating online forums about their schools. Usually, such mediums satirize aspects of the college. Facebook is littered with various college meme pages like “Swatmemes.” Twitter feeds that poke fun at school culture, like “Swarthmore Girl Problems,”


Does Financial Aid Satisfy?

A Swarthmore college education is expensive. Between tuition, personal expenses, books, fees, and room and board, the price between 2012 and 2013 comes out to be $58,090. It is far more than the average cost at a four-year institution in the United


Early Decision A Week Away

One week from today, several hundred high school students from across the globe who are set on Swarthmore will click “submit” on the Common Application. They will inaugurate this year’s admissions process at Swarthmore as the college’s first round of early decision


Column Stirs Controversy

There is a certain risk that comes with trying to stir up controversy at a place full of highly opinionated people. When Paul Vernon published a column arguing for cutting funding for athletics, de-emphasizing recruitment, and eliminating the physical education requirement, he


Twitter Feeds Poke Fun At Swarthmore Culture

As a school filled with quirks and idiosyncrasies, Swarthmore has always found its culture teased and satirized. Facebook pages like “Swatmemes” and Tumblr accounts like “Sleeping Swatties” show students have often been the first to poke fun at the college’s offbeat culture


Economy Affects Departmental Tenure Distribution

For a professor at Swarthmore, receiving tenure is a lengthy and complicated task. First, it involves teaching and researching in a tenure track position for what is typically a six-year period. After that, candidates undergo a lengthy review process. A dossier of