Daniel Block

Wolf wins, but state legislature stays solidly red

In what was an otherwise sobering night for Democrats, Pennsylvania businessman and former Secretary of Revenue Tom Wolf defeated incumbent Republican governor Tom Corbett with 54.9 percent of the vote. But Republicans strengthened their majorities in both houses of the Pennsylvania state
November 6, 2014

College resists PA carpenters’ union’s pay demands

Alleging that the college hired workers who are not paid a livable wage, the Metropolitan Regional Council of Carpenters has been protesting the construction of the Matchbox, the college’s four million dollar-plus new fitness, wellness and theater building. The Philadelphia-area union has
September 4, 2014

Margolis Healy releases final report

After nine months reviewing the college’s sexual misconduct policies, Margolis Healy and Associates (MHA) completed a final report of its recommendations for making the campus safer and ensuring compliance with Title IX, the Clery Act and the Campus SAVE Act. The report
February 7, 2014

Administrators take heat at party policy forum

Following a controversial decision to take extra measures to bar those under 21 from obtaining alcohol inside the annual Halloween Party, Student Council (StuCo), in conjunction with administrators and Public Safety, held a forum to discuss the school’s party policies and present
October 31, 2013

Rape-related graffiti found in dorm

“Rape dungeon.” These words, scrawled above a door, greeted the residents of lodge three when they walked into their basement. It wasn’t the only offensive phrase written in the lodge’s lower level. The graffiti included a comment, “Mia survived,” that seems to
September 12, 2013
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