Daniel Banko

New Diversity Peer Advisor program to begin in fall

Next year, eight Diversity Peer Advisors will be assigned to certain dorms on campus in a pilot program coordinated by Karina Beras and Heather Loring-Albright, the college’s residential community coordinators. Three DPAs will be assigned to Willets’ first-year floors, two to ML’s
April 23, 2015

Swarthmore Hillel changes name to Kehilah

The student group formerly known as Swarthmore Hillel announced via a press release on Sunday night that it had changed its name to “Kehilah” (“community” in Hebrew). The Jewish organization’s board approved the name after it emerged as the winner from an
March 26, 2015

Hillel hosts storytelling panel on Israel

Last week, The Israel-Palestine Programming Committee (IPPC) kicked off its first event on the relationship between Israel and Palestine with a panel of five Jewish students who shared stories about their personal relationships with Israel. “We wanted to start with people, from
March 5, 2015

Presidential Search Committee begins candidate interviews

Last Thursday, the Presidential Search Committee sent an email to students and faculty with an update on the search for the college’s next president. The new president will permanently replace former President Rebecca Chopp, who accepted an offer to be the new
January 22, 2015

The history and evolution of Town Center West

With the development of the Swarthmore Inn now in full swing, and the construction of the roundabout still a controversial stir among townspeople, the Phoenix has found the original plans for the Inn site and tracked its development to its final design.
December 4, 2014

Colleges absorb outside scholarships, parent contribution unchanged

Three weeks ago, the Phoenix published an op-ed by Casey Simon-Plumb ’18 about Swarthmore’s financial aid policy. In her piece, Simon-Plumb wrote about her disappointment after discovering that outside scholarship awards are partially surrendered to the college as part of their financial
October 23, 2014

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