Ann Sinclair

Goodbye Sharples

It’s about 5 p.m. on a Tuesday in August, and I am sitting in a big, empty, dim room. Medieval-looking chandeliers hang above my head. Stationed around me at a long, rectangular table are other first-year Swarthmore students in my social justice
October 20, 2022

Like a Fish Out of Water

One of my favorite television shows, when I was about thirteen, was “H2O: Just Add Water.” For those of you who aren’t acquainted with this absolute classic, the show follows three high school girls — Cleo, Emma, and Rikki — on their
September 15, 2022

SwatMD: a Guide to Common Swarthmore Ailments

*Disclaimer: This article is in no way meant to make light of our current situation. Any COVID symptoms or exposure should be treated seriously and reported immediately. We want all those in our community to be as safe and healthy as possible.
October 29, 2020

Growing Panes

The sky through my window is blue. The bright, morning sunshine peeks through the leaves of the tree stationed like a benevolent guard just outside. It fills my room with happy morning light that makes my still sleep-heavy eyes squint in protest.
October 1, 2020

A Tribute to McCabe

She stands in the warm September sun, unapologetically watching over the land that she once dominated. Now she is passed by, an afterthought. Yet still she surveys her surroundings with earnest interest. Once, she was everything. Students flocked to her. They walked
September 17, 2020

The ‘P’ Stands for Poet

Over the course of our college lives, we will each read thousands of emails. Some go unopened, many go unread, and most go unloved. But once in a while, an email is sent that is so important, so groundbreaking, that it must
May 5, 2020

What Type of Zoomer Are You?

Over the course of our time in school, we all inevitably find ourselves falling into certain roles, as if we were doomed (or destined) to play an integral part in the complex machinery of the college classroom. You know these roles, even
April 29, 2020

The Realities of a Virtual Reality

Well Campus Journal, all this time I spent getting ready for an alien invasion and it turns out we should have been preparing for the plague instead… Times have changed since I last wrote for this fine publication. We are all in
April 5, 2020

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