Students returning to Swat may have noticed numerous changes (other than all the new faces) from last semester. We take a look at many of the changes to the grounds and buildings of the College.
Swarthmore students will crowd into Worth Courtyard tomorrow for the annual Worthstock Concert, hosted by the LSE committee. This year’s show will be headlined by Man Man and will also feature My Brightest Diamond, Pictureplane, Fly Union, and Yukon Blonde.
Swarthmore students crammed into Olde Club to listen to artist Zee Avi this past Saturday. Her performance was the final SAO event of Asian/Pacific Islander American Heritage Month. Self-described as "pocket-sized," Avi captivated the audience with her jazzy sound and incredible stage
On December 1, Swarthmore’s History Department - in conjunction with Political Science and Religion Departments, Film & Media Studies, Islamic Studies, and Peace & Conflict Studies Programs – sponsored the lecture “Tweeting in Tehran: Lessons on How to Win (or Lose) a
On Friday, November 6, Olde Club will welcome Swarthmore alumnus Pat Kolodgy ’09 back to its stage as as part of Handglops, a pop-punk band. Handglops will be joining Little Girls in opening for the Blank Dogs.
On Monday night, when the Phillies beat the Yankees 8-6, I did something I never thought I would ever do—I cheered for the Phillies. But I didn’t just cheer; I pumped my fist, jumped around, and—perhaps most disturbingly—experienced happiness. Now, I could
The “Why We Refuse” Tour on Wednesday featured two Israeli high school seniors who were imprisoned for refusing to serve in the Israeli army to protest Israeli occupation in Palestinian territories. They discussed their experiences and their reasons for refusing to serve.
Last Tuesday, March 31, Earthlust concluded its first ever GREENmarch and deemed it a success in increasing awareness on Swarthmore's campus about environmental sustainability. The campaign featured a collaboration between many of Swarthmore's groups including GoodFood, Environmental Justice, and SLAP.
On November 9, Swarthmore men's soccer team defeated Johns Hopkins 1-0 to capture the 2008 Centennial Conference Championship and earn a place in the NCAA Division III Tournament for the first time since 1991. Garnet freshman David Sterngold scored the winning goal
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