The Editorial Board

The Phoenix In Review: Editors’ Picks

With the academic year soon coming to a close, The Phoenix’s Editorial Board has taken time to reflect on the collective body of work of our incredible, indispensable, dedicated writers. Here are our picks. NEWS Over this turbulent past year, The Phoenix’s
May 10, 2021

The Phoenix is Advertising

We at The Phoenix will begin featuring ads in both our online and print editions. While past iterations of The Phoenix have featured ads, our publication has solely relied on SBC funding for the past three years. We feel, however, the need
May 1, 2021


On April 16, 2021, The Phoenix published an op-ed titled, “Vaccinate Every Swattie. No Exceptions.” The piece, which argues for every Swarthmore student to be vaccinated, focuses somewhat on ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities of New York which have famously suffered high COVID-19 infection
April 23, 2021

Swarthmore Ought to Commit to Open Access Research

Search Cell or The Lancet, two globally renowned biology and medical science journals, respectively, on Tripod, and they immediately appear under the search results. “Available online,” the search results read. At Swarthmore, institutional affiliation grants students, faculty, and alums free access to
April 9, 2021

Farewell to The Phoenix, Hello to The Bhoenix

To commemorate a full year into the painful pandemic, three weeks ago, The [former] Phoenix Editorial Board published a staff editorial entitled “Reflecting on The Phoenix One Year Into the Pandemic.” We reflected on how The Phoenix had changed during that one
April 1, 2021
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