Lauren Knudson

Grapevine performs a Disney medleyPhoto by Abigail Starr '13

New parking lot means more spaces for students

The college is in the process of building a new parking lot by Cunningham Fields. The parking lot is expected to be completed before this year’s commencement scheduled in May 2017. As the college grows, the pressure for parking spaces increases. According
October 6, 2016

College aims to staff 5-4 change

As part of its 2012 strategic planning initiative, the college announced a transition from professors teaching a three-two course load, three courses one semester and two the other to a two-two course load, having professors teach a total of four courses over
September 15, 2016

Dining Services implements changes to meal plan

Dining services will make several big changes starting next fall. Current pilot-programs will be made permanent and changes will be made to the meal plan. Grab-n-go in the Science Center and Sharples to-go will become permanent. In addition to changes that have
April 28, 2016

College to begin round of construction over summer

The college will start several new construction projects this summer to accommodate the growing student population. The projects include a new residence hall between PPR and the baseball fields, a new academic building to be called Whittier, new parking lots by Cunningham
April 14, 2016

The media’s obsession with Trump has to stop

Last week people were shocked at Donald Trump’s comments that women who have abortions should be punished. At an MSNBC Town Hall MSNBC reporter, Chris Hayes, pushed Trump on the issue, repeatedly asking if Trump supported a legal punishment for this. After
April 7, 2016

Dinner with Strangers program launches with first event

On March 23 President Valerie Smith introduced a new program, Dinner with Strangers, to the entire Swarthmore community. The dinner consists of twelve randomly selected people, composed of  staff, faculty, students, and alumni come together to have dinner at the president’s house.
April 7, 2016

Summer funding options are diverse, disorienting

The Lang Center has recently opened up application for the last funding opportunity for the summer, its summer internship support program. The college offers many different funding opportunities, ranging from money for self-designed projects to funding for unpaid internships. Despite the abundance
March 24, 2016

Students, faculty discuss diversity in curriculum

Students, staff, and faculty gathered in the Intercultural Center on Monday to discuss ways to increase awareness of social justice issues on campus via a social justice class requirement. Although there was no universal agreement on what the requirement should look like,
February 25, 2016

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