April 2024 - Page 5

College Continues “Swarthmore Forward” Strategic Plan

This February, Swarthmore President Val Smith shared the “Swarthmore Forward” strategic plan with the campus community. The plan represents the product of a college-wide eighteen-month planning process and “underscores our steadfast belief in educating the whole student,” according to the plan’s website.
April 11, 2024

Swarthmore Athletics Weekly Recap

Baseball: Swarthmore College: 10, Muhlenberg College: 0 Swarthmore baseball crushed Muhlenberg College in game one of their double-header on Friday afternoon at home. The Garnet opened the scoring with two runs in the top of the second inning. Swarthmore tallied two runs
April 11, 2024

Athlete of the Week: Sophie Goodwin ’27

Sophie Goodwin ’27, a first-year from San Antonio, TX, shined at the Ursinus Track & Field Festival on Saturday in Collegeville, PA. Goodwin won the steeplechase event with a time of 11:38.41, earning a personal record. The first year is now ranked
April 11, 2024

A Conversation with Professor Varun Khanna

Professor Varun Khanna is a visiting assistant professor in the classics and asian studies departments at Swarthmore College. He joined Swarthmore in 2018. He specializes in spoken Sanskrit and Pāṇinian Sanskrit grammar. Courses that he teaches at Swarthmore include Introduction to Sanskrit,
April 11, 2024

Clay Corner: Featuring Aaliyah Hahn ‘27

Aaliyah Hahn ‘27 is a first-year from Wisconsin who plans to major in environmental studies. However, she’s adamant about majoring in ceramics if Swarthmore reconsiders offering classes. When she’s not firing up a kiln, Aaliyah loves matcha lattes, midwest emo, crocheting, and
April 11, 2024
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