December 2023

(Wald) Einsamkeit: Capturing the Untranslatable Word 

There are some words in German that cannot be translated into English. Waldeinsamkeit is one of them. The Oxford German-English Dictionary tells me that it is “woodland solitude,” while another dictionary describes it as “the feeling of being alone in the woods,
December 15, 2023

Swarthmore Jewish Groups Hold Vibrant Hanukkah Festivities

Starting on the evening of Dec. 7, Swarthmore’s Jewish community celebrated the festival of Hanukkah for eight days and eight nights. Kehilah and Chabad, two Swarthmore Jewish student groups, both held events and festivities for Jewish students on campus. Kehilah hosted celebrations
December 15, 2023

After Students For Fair Admission, We Must End Legacy Admissions

This summer, the Supreme Court decided to gut affirmative action, calling into question the practices of admissions offices across the country, including Swarthmore’s. Swarthmore’s admissions process is guided by a commitment to “living in a community of people with diverse backgrounds.” After
December 15, 2023

Swarthmore Faculty on Academic Freedom and the Gaza Crisis

Drafted: December 11, 2023 As faculty members at Swarthmore College, we are deeply concerned about the erosion of academic freedom in the United States, particularly in regards to the ongoing crisis in Gaza. Over the past few weeks, we have learned that
December 14, 2023

Swarthmore Must Protect the Right to Protest

On campus, the right to protest is being threatened; this right must be protected, not questioned. On Friday, Dec. 1, the Swarthmore Board of Managers held a dinner at the Lang Center for Civic and Social Engagement. As the dinner started, students
December 7, 2023

CelebrAsia: Empowering Pan-Asian Voices 

On Dec. 1, the Swarthmore Pan-Asian Association (SPAA) and the Intercultural Center’s (IC) Major Events team organized CelebrAsia, a night dedicated to celebrating Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) culture, with funding support from the Tri-Co Asian American Studies Program. Students were
December 7, 2023

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