October 2022 - Page 2

‘Red October’ Is Not Over

It will be red all through October, and a bit through November, for the first time in Philadelphia since 2009. The Philadelphia Phillies baseball team has qualified for the World Series for the first time in thirteen years, bringing back long-awaited hope
October 27, 2022

Athlete of the Week: Dani Pena ’24

Dani Pena ’24, a junior from Southlake, TX, is an offensive threat, leading Swarthmore volleyball to victory this season. She clocked her 1,000th career assist on Tuesday, Oct. 11, against Washington College, a major career milestone. She also currently leads the conference
October 27, 2022

Instagram Account Spotlights Campus’ Furry Friends

Finding cute dogs on the Swarthmore campus can be an exciting break in a hectic day. Now, thanks to the @swarthmoredogspotting2 Instagram account, students and interested followers can get to know the pets that pass through Swarthmore’s campus, even if they don’t
October 20, 2022

Nature’s Murmur

Timescale Chauvinism is the idea that people exhibit bias in favor of their normal pace of existence. Daniel Dennett, in his book “Kinds of Minds”, proposes this concept to explain that people tend to disregard intelligence at a slower speed. Take a
October 20, 2022

My Chemical Romance and the Ghost of Fall Break

Breaks are typically a breath of fresh air — a welcome detox from the overwhelming nature of academia. Breaks are something to look forward to and help cut the monotony of seemingly endless exams, papers, and demanding extracurriculars. After all, nothing beats
October 20, 2022

Part 1 of 3: Rachel’s Trial

At a big university surrounded by the sounds and lights of a city, there was nothing unusual in the air. College students were being let out of their classrooms, and droves of relaxed voices resounded throughout the massive, marble-encrusted hallways, filled with
October 20, 2022

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