September 2022 - Page 2

Ethos Water: Why Americans Pay to Pee

To lambast America’s grossly inadequate public infrastructure has become so commonplace that the refrain is an all but trivial cliche in online political discourse. I do not have any expert analysis, insight, or nuance to add to this righteous indignation. However, in
September 29, 2022

A Reflection on Ultimate Frisbee

The regulation dimensions of an ultimate frisbee disc include a diameter of around eleven inches, a rim around one and a half inches wide, and a weight of 175 grams. It is almost a wonder that an object so lightweight, with such
September 29, 2022

Swarthmore Athletics Weekly Recap

Men’s Soccer: Swarthmore: 1, Gettysburg College: 1 On Saturday, Sept. 24, Swarthmore men’s soccer took to the road and played #23 Gettysburg College. The Bullets scored the first goal of the match in the 59th minute, but the Garnet tied it up
September 29, 2022

Compost Conundrums

Every week, we GAs sort through the compost for two hours apiece. And every week, we witness how extraordinarily … creative the Swarthmore community’s definition of “compostable” is. Granted, it is confusing; sometimes you forget to check whether a plastic cup is
September 29, 2022

Athlete of the Week: Sean Nolan ʼ23

Sean Nolan ʼ23, a senior from Baltimore, is co-captain of the Swarthmore men’s soccer team this season. Nolan is a center-back who has been instrumental in the Garnet’s defense, yet he also leads the team in assists (three). Against Gettysburg College on
September 29, 2022

The New Roommate

COVID, or as I like to call it: the bug. Most of us have had that flea bite us in the ass at some point — and I can tell you, mine itched for a while. At this point, getting bitten by
September 22, 2022

Swarthmore Owes Its Students More

It can be difficult to be a student at Swarthmore. You are constantly trying to balance school work, a social life, sleep time, and possibly a job. There is always something that might throw your precariously teetering and hard-earned balance into disarray:
September 22, 2022

The Undertaking of “Understory”

Very rarely does a college student manage to participate in the making of a feature film, much less direct and write their own. And yet, Jake Rothman, a Swarthmore senior, has brilliantly crafted an 88-minute-long debut feature film with his brother Manny
September 22, 2022

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