Top Three Most Comforting Places on Campus

September 30, 2021

Within the next few weeks, midterm exams will be taking place here at Swarthmore College, making it important to find places on campus to relax. These are my top three choices. 

The Amphitheatre, a must-see spot when visiting Swarthmore, provides a wonderful escape into nature. The trees create a canopy, shielding visitors from the sun. As we head into fall, the leaves are beginning to change into brilliant reds and yellows and oranges. Whether you are eating lunch with friends, seeking a quiet place to read, or simply wanting to sit somewhere in solitude and feel at peace, the Amphitheatre is always a solid go-to place.

 Another option is Cunningham House (the Off-Campus Study house). Located near McCabe, Cunningham House has a secluded garden teeming with nature. The garden is hidden, surrounded by trees and tall hedges. When you enter the garden it is like stepping through the wardrobe into Narnia. There are a few benches on the perimeter and a narrow path leading to a small pond. It’ is a wonderful place to study and to take a break.


Also voting for this lovely garden, Whitney Grinnage-Cassidy ’24, stated, “I find myself over here a lot because it is beautiful and a great place to eat my lunch and enjoy nature.”

Finally, the wooden chairs in front of Trotter provide a view of both the Rose Garden and Parrish. It is closer to the center of campus and less immersed in nature than the previous two suggestions. It is, however, a great spot to just take a breather during the day, to sit and eat lunch, or to catch up on so$me work between classes.


While these are my top choices, here are some other recommendations from three Swarthmore students. 

In addition to the Cunningham garden, Grinnage-Cassidy stated, “When I think of places I like to be on campus to destress, I think of the Intercultural Center, Underhill Library, the Parrish Parlors. The Intercultural Center is a very relaxing place and I would like to go there. Underhill is a relaxing work environment and it is cozy. Parrish Parlors because it has a really mellow vibe in there especially when it is not crowded.”

When posed with this question, Anastasia Lewis ’24, responds, “To destress I like to go to [the Women’s Resource Center] because I get to make things and use a different part of my brain and it is cozy in there. If not there, I really like sitting in the Kohlberg courtyard and listening to music because in the evening it is really pretty with the lights of Parrish and the trees and something about it reminds me of sitting on my driveway with my dad listening to jazz.” 

Outside the Science Center, there are several gardens to study in. Virginia Moscetti ’23, loves to do work in the garden right beside the main entrance to the Science Center. 

Moscetti stated, “One of my favorite places to work, especially early in the morning, is the garden right beside the main entrance to Sci. I love the little bench there, it’s kind of hidden underneath plants and it’s very pretty. I also like the tables behind the LPAC building right alongside Underhill. They are pretty hidden in a corner and great for doing work outside when the weather is nice.”

What are your favorite places to relax on campus? 

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