October 2020 - Page 3

MLB Extends Playoffs, Is This The Right Year To Do It?

Major League Baseball announced it would be extending its 2020 postseason back in late July. This announcement followed their decision to shorten the regular season from 162 games to a mere 60 in efforts to minimize audience and player exposure to COVID-19.
October 8, 2020

The Return of Roland Garros

2020 has brought us to a unique junction in the professional sports world. For the first time, football, basketball, and tennis have overwhelmingly coalesced in these opening months of fall, eliciting perhaps a spread of carpal tunnel resulting from a continuous state
October 8, 2020

Spooky Season: Devil’s Advocate

**Content Warning: Though this article will only briefly mention these, the film has two scenes of sexual violence, suicide, and incest. There are also other violent and gory scenes. Find a complete list of warnings here. Be careful if/when watching. This review
October 2, 2020

Reimagining the Purpose of Clubs during the Pandemic

Undoubtedly the pandemic has changed Swarthmore campus life in an academic, social, and cultural setting. We all know classes are going online and people will be chatting over Zoom or meeting socially distanced to fill some of the void, but how is
October 2, 2020

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