October 2020

Swarthmore Community Pushes to Get Out the vote

Despite Swarthmore’s widely-held reputation as a college committed to democratic engagement, more than half of Swarthmore students did not exercise their civic right to vote in the 2016 and 2018 elections. Seeking to rectify this shortcoming and placing a high value on
October 30, 2020

A Mouse’s Life

These diary entries have been written from the perspective of a very persistent mouse who keeps visiting my dorm room. I have named him Clovis. September 1, 2020 Lots of commotion today, and big, clumsy humans moving about, bumping furniture and complaining
October 29, 2020

SwatMD: a Guide to Common Swarthmore Ailments

*Disclaimer: This article is in no way meant to make light of our current situation. Any COVID symptoms or exposure should be treated seriously and reported immediately. We want all those in our community to be as safe and healthy as possible.
October 29, 2020

The Case for Near Campus Student Testing, An Open Letter

Editor’s Note: Several members of the Phoenix Editorial Board have signed this letter including our Editor Emeritus, Campus Journal Editor, and At-Large Editor.They were not involved in writing, the decision to publish this letter, or the editing process. Dear President Smith, Vice
October 26, 2020

On Campus Culture and Covid-19

During a typical week at the college, a student could last almost the entire week eating nothing but the food offered at the multitude of campus events that would take place each day. (A Phoenix writer even documented this last fall, writing
October 23, 2020

Know the Ban, Ban the Ban

Introduction Swarthmore College is an exceptional school. It’s not the beautiful arboretum of a campus, the academic rigor, or the vaunted Quaker values that makes it exceptional, though. What makes it exceptional is the policy that explicitly bans ethical obligations from consideration
October 23, 2020
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