October 2019 - Page 4

On Seeking Help for Depression

Depression can make a person feel sad, hopeless, unworthy, tired or guilty — overall, it’s a horrible feeling. It originates from a combination of predisposed genetics for depression, stressful life experiences, and a lack of dopamine production or reception in brain cells.
October 24, 2019

Powered-packed World Series Matchup Underway

The David and Goliath story, of biblical origin, is a classic one in sports. The Goliath stands on one side, a team that has won 100+ games in three consecutive seasons, whose most recent world championship came just two seasons ago. On
October 24, 2019

Ramp Renovated For Disability Accessibility

Construction on the ramp connecting Magill Walk to the tunnel under the SEPTA tracks has been completed for the time being. Additional work to replace broken sections of pavement is scheduled for this fall and is expected to be minimally disruptive. College
October 10, 2019

Say Boo to Halloween

October has descended upon us, and we all know what that means — pumpkin spice, sweater weather, and general spookiness. To cap off this long month, America has adopted an old Celtic celebration, now known as Halloween. However, this celebration is merely
October 10, 2019
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