May 2019

2013 DU Minutes, Past Members Provide Window into Culture of Frat

Content warning: sexually explicit language When individuals pledged to now-disbanded Delta Upsilon fraternity at Swarthmore in 2013, they were required to create a separate Gmail account for internal communications. These communications included “minutes” that would contain statements like ‘Grade A USDA Slut’
May 2, 2019

Kitao’s “Lost-n-Found” Reclaims Abandoned Art

This past Friday, April 26, Kitao had yet another gallery exhibition to finish off a strong semester of student work. The captionless showcase was curated on the very basis of this anonymity. “Lost-n-Found,” a collection of works that have been left behind
May 2, 2019

Dear Stephen Moore: Shut the F**k Up.

Last week, President Trump announced his intention to nominate two new Federal Reserve Board members: former presidential candidate and pizza chain executive Herman Cain (who has since removed his name from consideration), and Trump campaign economic advisor Stephen Moore. Moore, to be
May 2, 2019

Swat Ed: Point of View

Swat Ed is The Phoenix’s biweekly sex education Q & A. We accept all questions and they are kept completely anonymous. If you’re looking for medical advice or a diagnosis for that weird thing on your genitals, get in touch with a
May 2, 2019

Life at Swarthmore is Defined by Uncertainties

How would you summarize your first-year experience at Swarthmore? Would you say it was too academically intense? Would you say it was boring? I will say my first-year experience can be summarized by the word “uncertainties.” The most important lesson I learned
May 2, 2019

The Swarthmore Worth Loving

When I came to Swatstruck in 2018, I made sure to ask the quintessential Spec question — “Why did you choose Swarthmore?” — to pretty much every student that I encountered. Generally, the answers either revolved around Swat’s specific academic programs or
May 2, 2019
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