March 2019

Swarthmore Should Be Worried About Vaginas

“The Vagina Monologues,” a play written by Eve Ensler in 1996, tackles issues such as sexuality, gender, and violence against women, all through the eyes of a diverse cast of women. Drawn from interviews Ensler did with 200 women, the play asks
March 28, 2019

College Holds First Womxn’s Leadership Summit

On March 23, the college held its first ever Womxn’s Leadership Summit. The summit was themed around the idea of a “Brave You”, with bravery representing growth, authenticity, and strength. The event featured alumni, faculty and staff speakers, as well as guests
March 28, 2019

Rethinking the Way We Talk About Climate Change

In my Introduction to Environmental Studies class, one of our first projects was about climate communication. In order to be a compelling environmental activist, we reasoned, you have to be able to start productive conversations with the vast majority of Americans, most
March 28, 2019

Interactive Film: The Predecessor to Bandersnatch

Do you want to read this article?YES NO A few months ago, Netflix released “Bandersnatch” as the newest segment in its tech-horror series “Black Mirror.” The wildly popular episode took advantage of the streaming giant to engineer an interactive experience, asking viewers
March 28, 2019

Why You Should Watch WrestleMania 35

“It’s fake.” “Everything is already predetermined.” “I have better things to do than watch a bunch of scantily-clad people pretend to fight each other.” As a professional wrestling fan, I’ve heard it all. And none of what they say is factually wrong
March 28, 2019

Legacy, Not Bribery, Hurts Students the Most

Editor’s Note: This was updated at 10:45AM on March 28, 2019, to update that Dean Jim Bock’s title is Dean of Admission, not Dean of Students as published earlier. Since March 12, the college admissions bribery scandal has been one of the most regularly discussed subjects in the media. It brought to national attention the ways in which the wealthy and privileged — in this case, 50
March 28, 2019

Athlete of the Week: Holden Bridge ’20

The Swarthmore baseball team has gotten off to a very hot start the year. After starting the year 1-2, the team has won eleven of their past twelve contests, including a big win over then-first ranked Wooster. The Garnet offense has been
March 28, 2019
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