December 2018

The Swatter: December 17 – December 24

Dorm Room Smoke Detector Alarm Date: Monday, December 17, 2018 Time: 2:08 PM Location: Wharton Residence Hall Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a smoke detector alarm in Wharton Residence Hall. There was no smoke or fire. lt was determined that the detector
December 24, 2018

The Swatter: December 10 – December 17

Investigation of Person(s) Date: Monday, December 10, 2018 Time: 2:04 PM Location: Trotter Hall Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a noise complaint at Wharton Residence Hall. The Swarthmore students were identified and left the area without incident. Status: Closed Accident Date: Monday,
December 17, 2018

The Swatter: December 3 – December 10

Investigation of Conditions Date: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 Time: 1:01 AM Location: Wharton Residence Hall Synopsis: While on patrol, Public Safety discovered a vending machine unsecured in Wharton Residence Hall. There was no damage or signs of theft. Matter under investigation. Status:
December 10, 2018

6 SGO Members Eligible for Impeachment; Appeals Possible

Student Government Organization president Gilbert Orbea ’19 and vice-president Kat Capossela ’21 have spearheaded a charge this semester to push back against the widespread campus perception that SGO is ineffective. On October 28, Capossela introduced a new attendance policy, which states that
December 6, 2018

On the Palestinian Question

The question with which Israel consistently grapples is: what should we do with the land between the river and the sea? I claim the state’s actions with regards to this question are perpetuating the principles of apartheid. Karl Marx’s piece “On the
December 6, 2018
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