September 2018 - Page 7

Swat Global: Perspectives from Japan

Anyone who studies abroad will tell you that it involves no shortage of misunderstandings. If they claim otherwise, they are lying to you or to themselves. I, however, am under no delusions of complete competence and will gladly inform you that I
September 13, 2018

Australian Daydreams

It’s September of 2018, and I am officially a junior at Swat. I feel a little queasy just seeing that in writing honestly. Being a junior in college always seemed like that thing my friends who are now graduates would be (I
September 13, 2018

Men’s Soccer Kicks off New Season

Cold morning practices and grueling gym sessions defined many Swarthmore men’s soccer players’ spring semester in 2018. As unappetizing as it sounds, these workouts were not mandatory or organized by the coaches. Every session was designed and run by players, as NCAA
September 13, 2018

Accessing the Arts in Philly

This article was edited on Sept. 15 at 12:15 P.M. to note that PAFA is offering “pay-what-you-wish” admission through Oct. 26. Philadelphia is often cited as an easy, fun resource for students to utilize during their time at Swarthmore by various officials
September 13, 2018

Mexico: A Symphony of Colors

During this summer break, I went on a trip to Mexico and Cuba.  These countries, so foreign compared to my home culture in China, enchanted me. I felt that my horizons were broadened by these feasts of the senses.   In Mexico,
September 13, 2018

Reflections on Coming Back Abroad

The last assignment I had in my abroad class was to practice coming up with a thoughtful and mature answer to the inevitable question: “How was your time abroad?” After having spent five months in Seoul, South Korea I thought that I
September 13, 2018

Women’s Soccer Dominates Early Competition

In the last half decade, Swarthmore athletics has seen a renaissance of sorts, with four team sports competing in the NCAA tournament last year, three of them reaching the Elite Eight, and three other sports sending athletes to NCAA individual championships. One
September 13, 2018

Corner of the Campus Map

About a month after all my other friends from different colleges got their room assignments, I finally got mine (through Cygnet, of course). I didn’t know what any of the Swarthmore dorms were called, so when I saw “Mary Lyons” under my
September 13, 2018

Volleyball Serves Up Early Victories

Swarthmore students cannot remember a time that Swarthmore’s volleyball team did not have a winning record, both in and out of conference. For the last three falls, the student body can count on Volleyball to dominate their competition and provide exciting matches.
September 13, 2018
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