September 2018 - Page 2

Letter to the Editor

TO THE EDITOR OF THE PHOENIX Two years ago, many of us sent a letter to The Phoenix urging support for Hillary Clinton against Donald Trump.  Sadly, many of the fears we stated in that letter have come to pass. We warned,
September 27, 2018

Athlete of the Week: Ali Baratta ’21

Field hockey is off to a solid start this year. After finishing with a respectable 7-10 record in 2017, The team has opened the 2018 season at 4-4 and is on pace to surpass last season’s win total. The Garnet picked up
September 27, 2018

On Flu Shots

This Monday, Alice Holland sent out an email with information about flu shots. In the email, she stated that flu shots would cost students 25 dollars upfront to be paid either in cash or check, or billed to students’ accounts. Those students
September 27, 2018

You Need to Work (Working Title)

10:30 am Deep Breath. In…Out…I’m in my head. Not where I want to be. You just missed ANOTHER shot? Is that your third in a row? Just stop shooting already, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’m not running fast enough. He beat you down
September 27, 2018

Recapping the Premier League Season So Far

In a World Cup year, the usually never-ending summer break departs almost as quickly as it arrives. It is hard to believe that the World Cup final was played more than two months ago, and that the first six gameweeks of the
September 27, 2018

Pat Osowski, Beloved Sharples Employee, Leaves College

Pat Osowski, a former Sharples employee beloved by many students, no longer works for the college. Osowski stated that she was terminated by Sharples management over the summer. The college’s Human Resources Department declined to comment due to the confidential nature of
September 27, 2018

Swat Ed: First Inning

Swat Ed is the Phoenix’s biweekly sex education Q & A. We accept all questions and they are kept completely anonymous. If you’re looking for medical advice or a diagnosis for that weird thing on your genitals, get in touch with a
September 27, 2018
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