April 2018 - Page 9

Exploring the history of track and field

I was recently asked to weigh in on a debate among my fellow Willets residents about the validity of assigning the term “sport” to track and field competitions. Most were in favor, though there were still a few dissenters. Track and Field
April 5, 2018
Mame Bonsu '14 as the RA in the Orientation PlayPhoto by Elena Ruyter '14

Looking back at the freak injuries of freak athletes

From the first Greek Olympics to modern times with all of today’s technological advancement, athletes have always represented the pinnacle of human physical prowess, modeling their physique and majesty through their unique set of skills. To that end, athletes prepare their minds
April 5, 2018

Sunrise pushes for new divestment referendum

Sunrise Swarthmore collected digital signatures last week in an effort to call a Student Government Organization referendum on the school’s investment in fossil fuel companies and the 1991 ban on political considerations when investing. That petition passed with 197 signatures, 29 more
April 5, 2018

Finding home

Anyone who has talked to me for more than five minutes knows I am from Iowa. I am proud of my Iowa heritage, and I talk about it a lot. But for me, Iowa is more than just the place I am
April 5, 2018

Fire erupts in Pittenger bathroom

On Sunday, April 1 just after 9 a.m., a fire was discovered in the first floor bathroom of Pittenger residence hall. According to Director of Public Safety Michael Hill, the fire, which was due to a faulty exhaust fan, was reported around
April 5, 2018

My Dear Melancholy

It’s been almost a year and a half since Toronto pop R&B star Abel Tesfaye, also known as the Weeknd, released his 2016 project “Starboy.” Tesfaye’s newest album, “My Dear Melancholy,” was teased on Twitter only a few days before its
April 5, 2018

1/5 of varsity athletes sign letter in support of O4S

On March 26, Voices published Swarthmore Athletes’ Statement of Solidarity with Organizing for Survivors (O4S). 112 out of 550 student athletes signed the statement from a variety of different varsity teams on campus, which came out to about ⅕ of varsity student-athletes
April 5, 2018

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